Brewer Road Church of Christ

The Brewer Road Church of Christ is the local Hispanic mission work that South Fork helps support in our community. Goyo Nieto and Gustavo Prato are the ministers at Brewer Road and share the pulpit ministry preaching time in addition to evangelistic outreach and other ministry activities.  The congregation has grown to an average attendance of about 240 people on Sunday mornings. This growth is due to the members reaching out to their families and friends, and the different ministries we have developed such as: Parkland Campus ministry; parenting and marriage classes; one on one bible studies; recreational activities; marriage and family counseling; translation assistance in hospital/legal/educational issues; and reading club.

Goyo and Gustavo also serve the Hispanic community with their involvement with the “Centro Hispano” (Hispanic Center), Family Services, and Parkland High School. Goyo Nieto works as a volunteer Chaplain at Forsyth Medical Center.

The Brewer Road congregation established a mission work in the state of Guerrero, Mexico. They support a full-time minister and his wife.

The Brewer Road women’s ministry organizes children’s classes, church fellowships, and meets on Saturday mornings for bible study. South Fork not only serves this ministry in a monetary way but is involved, providing teachers on Sunday mornings for two different age groups of Bible class and participating in bilingual services several times a year.

Goyo Nieto
Goyo NietoPreaching Minister
Goyo Nieto became an evangelist in September 1997 and worked for the San Cristobal congregation in western Venezuela. He met his wife, Sarah, while she was visiting the church on a mission trip. Goyo received a Bachelor’s Degree in Bible and Ministry at Harding University. Goyo, Sarah, and Gigi came to Winston-Salem in July of 2003 to work in the preaching ministry with the Brewer Road Church of Christ and now shares that duty with fellow minister Gustavo Prato.
Gustavo Prato
Gustavo PratoPreaching Minister
Gustavo Prato has been in the ministry since 1983 in Venezuela. He and his wife, Sheryl, were married in 1987. Gustavo received a Bachelor’s Degree in Bible and Ministry and his Master’s Degree in Marriage and Family Therapy at Harding University. Gustavo, Sheryl and their three children, Lisette, Dylan, and Eric, moved to Winston-Salem in 2006 to be supported full-time as a minister by the South Fork Church of Christ. Gustavo works with Brewer Road Church of Christ (the Hispanic congregation we support) and is involved with the members and ministry at South Fork.  Gustavo shares the preaching responsibility with fellow Brewer Road minister Goyo Nieto.  Gustavo’s ministry includes preaching, evangelistic outreach, teaching Bible classes, counseling and mentoring at Brewer Road and at South Fork, as well as throughout the community.