This past Sunday’s sermons focused on our work at our jobs and was a reminder that we have a Christian mission and outlook at work just as much as we do “at church.”  Looking at Ephesians 6:5-9 and also the example of Nehemiah calls us back to the realization that as the New Testament church we share the mission of Christ.  Our God will use us in all aspects of our lives to spread His love and Word.  If we will let Him.

Here are some thoughts on this subject from some other writers.

From Os Hillman: “Over 70 percent of our [awake] time is spent in a working environment, yet our training and teaching focuses on areas where we spend much less time.  The workplace is the greatest mission field of our day, yet we do not train workplace believers how to effectively integrate their faith into their jobs.  The wall between Sunday and Monday still exists.  Most believers do not understand that all of life is spiritual, not just life on Sunday…We are entering a new era in the Church when workplace believers are seen as a remnant of the Body of Christ who need to be mobilized and trained for the work of the ministry to their own mission field-the workplace.  Are you one of the men and women God is raising up for this task?”

From Larry James: “The people who are sitting in the board rooms on Monday, and the court benches and classrooms and creative meetings on Monday are sitting in the pews on Sunday.”

From Jonathan Storment: “Gabe Lyons, in his book, The Next Christians talks about how the church remains the ‘epicenter of what’s possible.’  Because no other institution has as many people from as many different areas of society coming together so regularly.  The church is uniquely positioned to make a difference in the world.  Not by focusing more on the church, but by helping the church focus more on how she’s called to love and serve the world.”

And remember these truths from our lessons Sunday and apply them to your own job:

  • Be the same kind of employee/worker you would be if Jesus were your boss.
  • Be the same kind of employer/supervisor/manager you would be if Jesus were your boss.
  • Recognize that your work is a ministry.
  • Recognize that God is at work in your work.
  • Look to God for help and guidance in every aspect and situation, even—especially—at work.

Colossians brings these important truths out just as Ephesians does.  And in that Scripture contexts is a remark made by the apostle Paul to remind us all that we are Christ’s disciples and witnesses in all aspects of our lives.  Certainly these words given by the Holy Spirit apply to the values and purpose we display at our jobs.

“And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (Colossians 3:17)