We are once again hosting Jerry and Lynn Jones here at South Fork. Their “Relationships Mat-ter” seminar will be here Sept. 23-26. We will have Bible classes on Sunday morning at 9 AM for the ladies taught by Lynn and men taught by Jerry, then Jerry will preach the lesson during the morn-ing and evening assemblies. All other sessions will be led by both Jerry and Lynn.

We have online sign-up available, and I hope that many of you will sign up online right away. We especially need to know how many children will need child care for each session and how many will attend the dinner Sunday evening.

The web link to sign up online is http://southforkcofc-eac2.eventbrite.com/. There is also a link to this online sign-up on our South Fork Church of Christ Facebook page.

We have flyers and registration forms inside our Family Page handed out in our worship assembly to-day. If you prefer to register using these forms please fill these out and hand them in as soon as possi-ble. You can give them to me or leave them in the office notes basket in the foyer. Please feel free to copy these or ask for more and hand them out to friends, neighbors, co-workers, etc.

Please keep this important event in your prayers, and sign up and plan to attend. Also, we need help in coordinating different aspects of this major undertaking in areas such as Registration, Greeters, Welcome Packets, Snacks, Child Care, etc. Please contact me and volunteer to help. And here’s a “one-liner” from Jerry and Lynn:

“Victim mentality is letting what happened to you yesterday determine who you are today.”