Sunday night during our singing night I reminded those gathered of the Scripture passage our shepherds used this past summer in our Wednesday night study, from 2 Peter 1. The passage lists several important Christian characteristics such as faith, goodness, godliness, love. It calls us to not just exhibit these attributes, but to “possess these qualities in increasing measure” (verse 8). In other words, to grow in these areas throughout our lives. Sunday night I reminded us all that the key to doing this is to remember in gratitude that we have been forgiven, cleansed of sin by the love and grace of God seen in the sacrifice of Christ (vs. 8-9).

Continuing to be thankful for what God has done in our lives helps us maintain the right attitude toward others, and causes us to grow in these important areas. It calls each one of us to “make your calling and election sure” (verse 10) by living a life of faithful obedience, not in order to receive the blessing, but in gratitude that we have.

Does your life exhibit these qualities? Do you put the needs and preferences of others above your own? Are you active in your attendance and participation in our assemblies—Sunday morning Bible class and worship, Sunday evening worship, Wednesday evening Bible study? Are you involved in the life and ministry of the church as we seek to serve others and not ourselves? 

I believe that when we get caught up in living life selfishly, seeking our own way, and not growing in our faith and obedience, we have forgotten we have been cleansed from our past sins by the blood of Christ.

This Sunday Phil Stapp and Tom Vance will be sharing a special message from the elders during the sermon time. Our shepherds are constantly in prayer and discussion for the welfare and faithfulness of our South Fork church family. I hope that you will make a special effort to be in the assembly this Sunday morning, and that you will recommit to being prayerful for and active in the ministries of this church.