Our Mission Sunday was a great success for the kingdom of God! Because of your faith and generosity, and the great blessing of the Lord, our goal of $35,000 has been matched and surpassed! So far $35,302.10 has been raised. These funds will go toward our 2011 missions budget, allowing us to continue to support important works of spreading the gospel around the world. I praise God for your faith and trust in Him, and for your desire to let others hear the message of the love of Jesus. And a special thanks goes again to Jo Morris and her crew and all who brought food and helped in so many ways with our wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. So much work was involved in that, and your efforts are valued and appreciated so very much.

Congratulations to our Vickie Boyd! She has realized a dream and has opened up her own store in Clemmons. You may also see our Lisa Rankin and other SF members there, working with Vickie in this great adventure. Vickie & Don and Lisa & KC have put a lot of work into this and it shows. I hope that you will get by to see “Treasures Decor” next to the Big Lots off Lewisville-Clemmons Road. It is a beautiful place with lots of wonderful things that just might take care of a few folks on your Christmas list!

And in this season of giving Joyce and I wanted to say a special thank you again to all of you for your prayers and encouragement during these last few months. Your continued concern and prayers for our daughters, sons-in-law, and grandsons have been such a blessing. And the prayers, food, and encouragement given this week as Joyce had and now recovers from surgery remind us once again what a special blessing it is to be a part of the South Fork family. I pray during this holiday season of thankfulness and giving that you will feel especially blessed and will sense in special ways God’s presence with you and those you love.